On the road again, first stop was Byron Bay, an area that must be seen !
Supergreat beaches and a really cosy town. We probably should have stayed a few more days instead of going to "Surfers paradis"
Well, but the rain has been threatning all day, at it gives some water noww and then. So, we agreed to move on to "Surfers paradis", since we have heard so much about that.
It´s not that long a drive, so we reached the beaches quite fast, but I must admit we were a little disapointed. It´s really a tourist/ party area, which is quite obvious. i am sure this is the place to go, if you want to party all night.
The town is knowm for its tall Hotells that cast shadows on the beach in the afternoon, and of course for its huge waves. At nighttime the town is dominated by the many casinos.
So, on the road again and at noon, we reached "Biggera Waters" on the goldcoast. Wee will probably stay here a few days, it seems like there is plenty to see, and we are not going to be in "Agnes Water" until friday evening.